Palm Springs Law Blog
Monday, September 30, 2024
Solo aging is nothing new. According to the U.S. Census, the number of people Read more . . .
Thursday, August 29, 2024
You shouldn’t have to worry about safeguarding estate assets when you or a loved one needs long-term care — and with advanced planning, you don’t have to. Taking steps now can protect the funds you’ve worked hard for later, as well as help you pay for long-term care if it’s needed. With the help of a skilled estate planning attorney, you can develop strategies for asset protection with consideration for all future possibilities 5 Tips for Effective Asset ProtectionThe cost of long-term care is high. Read more . . .
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Unfortunately, many people end up dying or becoming incapacitated without legal wills to guide their families through a difficult time. Besides the emotional difficulty of estate planning, having a lack of resources to allocate is also a factor that stops many people from creating a will. However, estate planning isn’t only for wealthy people. Read more . . .
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
For individuals embarking on second or subsequent marriages, the prospect of protecting their estate and assets can be daunting. However, a re-married couple can find peace of mind by prioritizing asset protection. Keeping assets as separate property can safeguard them, ensuring that their children will inherit their assets in the event of divorce or death.
Attorney Christopher Heritage has extensive experience helping individuals in second marriages protect their hard-earned assets and ensure they are distributed to their intended beneficiaries. He takes time to get to know his clients and understand their needs and goals while helping them make informed, strategic decisions related to estate planning and asset protection. Read more . . .
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Life in the Golden State offers many joys and opportunities. The chance to build assets that support your retirement goals and help provide for your children and grandchildren is perhaps one of the greatest of those opportunities. However, building up your assets is only one step toward the larger goal of estate planning. It is equally important to recognize the potential threats to your assets and understand what the proper precautions to protect them look like. Understand the 3 Biggest Threats to Your AssetsThe old saying, “the best defense is a good offense,” is a good attitude to have when it comes to protecting your investments. Read more . . .
Monday, July 1, 2024
Asset protection is typically sought out by high-net-worth individuals concerned about creditors or lawsuits dismantling the assets they’ve worked so hard to build. Not everyone needs the added layer of security that asset protection provides, but if you have been considering a wealth defense strategy, putting protections in place may be the right option. What is asset protection?Creating an asset protection plan is like putting up barriers around your wealth that keep both personal and business assets safe from seizure, creditors, litigation, and unfair taxation. Asset protection is completely legal in California and is even considered a crucial component of estate planning, especially for individuals with significant wealth. Others who should consider asset protection include the following: Homeowners who are upside down on their mortgage Anyone with large or recurring amounts of credit card debt Anyone in a high-liability profession, such as a doctor or lawyer
If you are an investor, a doctor, or an entrepreneur, you may already be concerned about the complexities of estate planning. Read more . . .
Thursday, June 13, 2024
The U.S. is a litigious country, with over Read more . . .
Thursday, June 13, 2024
When someone writes their will, it is assumed that the document they create is representative of their final wishes. However, there are ways to challenge its accuracy. The person who creates a document must be mentally and legally capable of making decisions for themselves and must not be under coercion to draft their will in a manner that benefits one party over another. Therefore, if a potential inheritor feels as though the will’s creator wasn’t in sound mind (or within their legal rights) when they made the will, they can challenge the document on the grounds of incompetence. Challenging for CompetencyIn California, Read more . . .
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Blended families are the new normal, thanks to changing societal norms concerning divorce and remarriage. Though once a rarity, the “yours, mine, and ours” scenario is now commonplace. While navigating new family dynamics is never easy, it’s not unusual for adults to come to love their stepchildren just as much as their biological children. Read more . . .
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
 Life is fleeting, and none of us know what can happen tomorrow, but having discussions about passing away can be overwhelming and too tough to handle. Many people find them morbid, unable to handle the thought of losing their cherished family members and friends. However, if you pass away without putting your affairs in order, you could leave your loved ones in a terrible place. Not only will they have to go through a stressful probate process and potentially fight a range of claims against your estate, but they might end up turning against each other. That can be particularly heartbreaking in Read more . . .
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
 Outstanding debt can put a serious damper on your peace of mind, especially with regard to protecting your home. Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to ensure your home is protected from creditors, both now and once ownership of the property passes on to your heirs. If creditors coming after your home is a point of serious concern for you, your best option is to consult an experienced estate planning attorney about which arrangements can keep your house and other assets safe going forward. How California Creditors Can Take Your HomeIn the state of California, creditors can seize your home in a number of ways. Lawsuits and foreclosures are the most common among these. Read more . . .
Riverside CA Estate Planning Bankruptcy